var users = [ Set( =>]; var repos = [ Set( => t.repo))]; const headers = ["Name", "Repo", "Commits", "Alignment"]; function calcAlignment(morality, licitness, threshold=0.3) { let good = morality > threshold let lawful = licitness > threshold let evil = morality < -threshold let chaotic = licitness < -threshold if (!evil && !good && !lawful && !chaotic) { return "True Neutral" } var format if (lawful) format = "Lawful " if (chaotic) format = "Chaotic " if (!format) format = "Neutral " if (good) { format += "Good 😇" } else if (evil) { format += "Evil 😈" } else { format += "Neutral 🙊" } return format } function createTable(results) { let table = document.createElement('table') let thead = document.createElement('thead') let theadRow = document.createElement('tr') headers.forEach(header => { let th = document.createElement('th') th.innerText = header theadRow.append(th) }) thead.append(theadRow) table.append(thead) let tbody = document.createElement('tbody') table.append(tbody) for (let result of results) { let row = tbody.insertRow(); let name = row.insertCell() name.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result['name'])) let repo = row.insertCell() repo.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result['repo'])) let commits = row.insertCell() = "right" commits.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result['commits'])) let alignment = row.insertCell() let a = calcAlignment(result['morality'], result['licitness']) alignment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)) row.append(name, repo, commits, alignment) } return table } function displayResults(results) { let selectionDiv = document.querySelector("div.selection") while (selectionDiv.firstChild) selectionDiv.removeChild(selectionDiv.firstChild) selectionDiv.append(createTable(results)) } new autoComplete({ selector: "#autoComplete", placeHolder: "Search by name or repo...", data: { src: [...users, ...repos] }, resultsList: { noResults: (list, query) => { // Create "No Results" message list element const message = document.createElement("li"); message.setAttribute("class", "no_result"); // Add message text content message.innerHTML = `Found No Results for "${query}"`; // Add message list element to the list list.appendChild(message); }, }, onSelection: (feedback) => { document.querySelector("#autoComplete").blur(); // Prepare User's Selected Value const selection = feedback.selection.value; console.debug(`Selected ${selection}`) displayResults(tyk.filter(r => || r.repo.includes(selection))) // Replace Input value with the selected value document.querySelector("#autoComplete").value = selection; // Console log autoComplete data feedback console.log(feedback); }, resultItem: { highlight: { render: true } } });