Based on # Usage All you need is oodles of disk. The makefile does everything from fetching the repos in parallel to generating the complete site and deploying it to the cubox. First fetch repos, this takes a while and needs a bunch of disk. ``` shellsession % make init ORG=TykTechnologies ``` Then compute the alignments and publish website. ``` shellsession % make ORG=TykTechnologies ``` Re-run this to update the website with the latest changes. # Setup This is not required, but left here for posterity. First fetch the list of public repos for the org with: ```shell % curl -sL | jq -r '.[] | .name' > repos.list ``` Then clone the repos, a bare repo works and is light on disk. ``` shell % while read l do git clone --bare${l} ${l}.git done < repos.lst ``` See it running at